Historic Barelas railroad yards to undergo revitalization. Work space, restaurants, and
performance venues planned, Mayor Richard J. Berry and City Council Isaac Benton announce.
Media Contact
Chris Ramirez - (505) 350-4833
Help Preserve History
As the City moves forward with plans for the Rail Yards, efforts are underway to preserve its rich history. Anyone with photos, mementos, stories, or archives of the Rail Yards while it was in full use is asked to contact Ben Ortega at blortega@cabq.gov.
Mayor Richard J. Berry and City Councilor Isaac Benton announced the next steps in the future of the Albuquerque Rail Yards.
Visit the Wheels Museum website for more information in regards to the redevelopment plan.
Other links from the Wheels Museum web site:
Early Rail Yard Families
The Santa Fe Rail Shops
Wheels Museum as the centerpiece of the Rail Yard Development
Leba Freed and the Wheels Museum and the Rail Yard